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Urban Fitness 50Kg Dumbbell/Barbell Set

The Urban Fitness 50kg Dumbbell/ Barbell set has a multi-functional design, making it ideal for weight lifting workouts at home. Each set comes with 2 dumbbell bars that can be connected together using the included connector to create a barbell.

  • Each set includes: 4 x 5kg Plates, 8 x 2.5kg Plates, 4 x 1.25kg Plates, 4 x 1kg Plates, 2 x Barbells (675g each) 1 x Connector (380g) and 4 x Spindle locks.

  • With this selection you can build the weights up in many configurations, but the maximum weight configurations are:

  • 2 x Evenly loaded Dumbbells¶ÿ- Load each dumbbell with 2 x 5kg, 4 x 2.5kg, 2 x 1.25kg and 2 x 1kg. With the bar this totals 25kg each.

  • 1 x Maximum Loaded Dumbbell¶ÿ-Load 1 dumbbell with 4 x 5kg and 4 x 2.5kg. With the bar this totals 30kg

  • 1 x Maximum Loaded Barbell¶ÿ-Connect the two dumbbells together using the connector and load with 4 x 5kg and 4 x 2.5kg. With the barbells this totals 31kg

  • The weight plates are built from a concrete compound, encased in a vinyl shell designed to help prevent potential impact damage to flooring.